Location: 7861 Center St, McLean, VA 22102
Website: http://sweetwaterbrew.com
Cost: Reasonably priced Menu
Visit Date: 07/21/2013
Beers: Naked River Light
Great American Restaurants Pale Ale
Barking Frog Ale
Wit's End Ale
A new IPA not yet recognized by the state of Virginia
Nearby: DC? A mall. Short drive to a murky diving lake. Slightly less short drive to skyline drive. A bunch of government stuff and contracting companies in McLean. Some of my favorite people live nearby too. Touristy? ehhhh.

Notes: I really liked this spot. The decor was fantastic and the Portabello Fajitas were awesome. I shouldn't have eaten everything in front of me but I did, and it was delicious. Huge and delicious, The beers were pretty solid too. I came here with my friends after our final checkout dive to get PADI open water certified (woohoo!), and our instructor, another classmate and divemaster showed up. Good times.
So diving was pretty awesome but if you have crappy skin like me, get some tape and wrap up your fingers before trying to put on a wetsuit. I don't remember such difficulty with the wetsuit I used surfing in Cali. I'm guessing it was thinner, we used 7-5 wetsuits for this class. Surfing, not a clue but the pacific water was COLD. I'd get into surfing if my knees didn't suck. But, diving was fun. Putting on the wetsuit sucked. Hardcore.
Particularly, tape those fingers if you have monster calves and no upper body. Bad combination for a thick wetsuit. If you're squeemish it'd be a good time to close your eyes as you scroll. I peeled off the tape and these were the fingers which, the morning after, I could not uncurl for the life of me.
Both hands looked like this. They're actually healing up pretty well, but I was afraid they wouldn't.
Big baby? Maybe.
But WTF is wrong with my skin? Cracks open and bleeds in the winter, burns off from gripping a little neoprene. It's a good thing I had tape.
Really glad though, that my friends suggested learning to dive. Unexpected, it seems like most people take lessons when they're planning a trip, but it just seemed like something cool to do. Well for me at least. They just just back from the trip of a lifetime and discovered diving should be on their list of things they can do. For me, now I can say I did *something* this summer. Something other than study or work that is.
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